A Private Members Association for discriminating luxury leather bag lovers

Terms of Service


The public domain is the world most of us are used to when conducting business: complying with local ordinances, submitting to state licensing requirements, and obeying federal mandates. A properly established PMA functions in the private domain, which allows us to do business outside of local, state, and federal jurisdictions. A common example is a golf course located in a “dry” county that sets up a PMA so that their patrons can buy a drink in the clubhouse afterward, thus avoiding local restrictions on sales of alcohol.

PMAs are founded and protected by the First Amendment (freedom of speech and expression and the freedom of assembly), as well as the 5th and 14th Amendments (the right to private contract without government restrictions). PMA is the umbrella term for this business structure, but there are subsets of it for particular types of businesses. For example, there are private health associations, private ministerial associations, and private education associations. As well as private drinking clubs, private social clubs, private fraternal organization, and others.

In the same way that the government can’t reasonably interfere with what you say or do within your own home with your family and friends, a PMA allows you to do business as you choose. At Nerina Leatherworks PMA, clients or customers become members of this association and agree to abide by rules established by the founder for business purposes. The founder member clearly communicates to private members what services and products are offered and the manner in which business is conducted, and each member chooses for themselves whether they want to participate. It’s really as simple as that.

A PMA has the right to operate privately, in accordance with terms and conditions agreed upon by the association, contained in the Articles and/or Bylaws, through contractual agreement, rather than in accordance with government regulations. This allows the members the liberty and freedom to participate or partake in an activity or business of which they believe they have a right to, unhindered by governmental authority. However, a PMA is not protected and can be restricted if “justified by clear public interest, threatened not doubtfully or remotely, but by clear and present danger”. Thomas, 323 U.S. at 531.

Articles of Association

This Association of members declares that our objective is to allow the Private Membership Association founder and all Private Membership Association members with a platform on which to conduct all manner of private business with the Association and with other Associations and Association members, keeping all business in the private domain and utilizing the protections guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to conduct business in the private domain, and under all protections acknowledged and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and any previous protections guaranteed.

WE HEREBY Declare that we are exercising our right of “freedom of association” as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the U.S. Constitution and equivalent provisions of the various State Constitutions, as well as the Charter of Rights of Canada. This means that our Association activities are restricted to the private domain only and outside of the jurisdiction of government entities, agencies, officers, agents, contractors, and other representatives as provided by law. Nerina Leatherworks PMA is a non-statutory entity.

The Association will recognize any person(s), natural or otherwise (irrespective of race, color, or religion) who have joined this Association or any social media group organized, created, or managed by this Association and is in agreement with these principles and policies as a member of this Association, providing said person has not been sanctioned, exercised, or otherwise banned by the association, and will provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for actuating and bringing to fruition the purposes heretofore declared.

Membership to this Association, “Nerina Leatherworks PMA”, and any of its groups may be terminated by the association founder, at any time, should they conclude that a specific member is interacting with them or any other members in a way that is contrary or detrimental to the focus, principles, and betterment of this Association.

Members understand that, since The Association is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State Agencies and Authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances against The Association members or other staff persons. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association designee, committee, or tribunal and will be waived by the member for the benefit of The Association and its members. By completing and submitting the membership application form, you attest that you have sought sufficient education to determine that this is the course of action you want to take for yourself. In so doing, you attest that you are voluntarily changing your capacity from that of a public person to that of a private member.


I agree to join Nerina Leatherworks PMA, a private membership association under common law.

Because the privacy and security of membership records maintained within the Association, which have been held to be inviolate by the U.S. Supreme Court, any and all records kept by the Association will be strictly protected and will only be released upon the specific request of that member. I agree that violation of any waivers in this membership contract will result in a no contest legal proceeding against the founder or the Association.

I attest that my activities within The Association are a private contractual matter that I will decline to share with the Local, State, or Federal agencies. I fully agree to not pursue any course of legal action against a fellow member of The Association, unless that member has exposed me to a “clear and present danger of substantive evil,” and upon the recommendation and approval of the Association. I attest that any public remedy will be waived by me for the benefit of the Association and its members. 

I attest that I am entering into this agreement of my own free will without any pressure or coercion. I attest that I do not represent any Local, State or Federal agency whose purpose is to tax, regulate, and/or approve products or services, or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment or investigation. I attest to have read and understood this statement and, before submitting a membership request, have had any questions answered fully to my satisfaction.

I understand that I can withdraw from this agreement and terminate my membership in this association at any time. Should I decide to terminate my membership, I will provide written notice to the association of my decision before my membership is considered dissolved.

I understand that submitting a membership application form represents an agreement which entitles me to receive those benefits declared by the  founder to be “general benefits” of this private membership association, and the term of membership beginning the date of submitting the membership form, and by these presents do I hereby certify, attest and warrant that I have carefully read and understand Nerina Leatherworks PMA’s Contractual Membership Agreement, my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction, and I fully understand and agree with same.